Online Drawing Two – Still Life Examples

Lesson One – Objects that are white combined with objects that are middle value or darker. Ideally man-made objects that are symmetrical or semi-symmetrical.

Lesson Two – Organic/curvilinear shapes man made and/or natural forms.

Lesson Three – Objects that are the same size and shape or are similar shapes but different sizes or are in other ways similar but different.

Lesson Four – Items out of the refrigerator – jam jars, pickles, etc. Think of them as geometric forms  and the more color the better!

Lesson Five – Colorful curvilinear shapes – plants or veggie, bowls or cups, fruit or boots or shoes.

Lesson Six – Cleaning supplies – spray bottles, sanitizer, dust pan, window washer fluid, laundry detergent and or/ Clorox bottles. Interesting shapes that are either white or colorful.